
Nothing here yet

Knockout.js integration exists, but we haven't gotten the docs up to date yet. We're working on it!

View the source to see the KO integration (it's pretty simple).

§ Simple Example

Call  .immybox()  on any  input[type="text"]  element, and pass in some choices.
    choices: [
      {text: 'Alabama', value: 'AL'},
      {text: 'Alaska', value: 'AK'},
      {text: 'Wisconsin', value: 'WI'},
      {text: 'Wyoming', value: 'WY'}
    defaultSelectedValue: 'LA'

§ Options

§ choices
An array of choice objects used to populate the autocomplete list. Each object should have at least  text and value properties.
Default: []
  choices: [
    {text: 'Foo', value: 'foo'},
    {text: 'Bar', value: 'bar'}
§ maxResults
The maximum number of choices to show in the autocomplete list.
Default: 50
    choices: [
      {text: 'Foo', value: 'foo'},
      {text: 'Bar', value: 'bar'}
    maxResults: 1
§ showArrow
Show a small down arrow on the right side of the input.
Default: true
    choices: [
      {text: 'Foo', value: 'foo'},
      {text: 'Bar', value: 'bar'}
    showArrow: false
§ openOnClick
Should the results list show on click, or wait for user input before showing.
Default: true
    choices: [
      {text: 'Foo', value: 'foo'},
      {text: 'Bar', value: 'bar'}
    openOnClick: false
§ formatChoice
A function for formatting choices. Accepts query as arguments and must return a function that takes choice as argument and returns a string (optionally containing HTML). The default formatter just returns choice.text, underlining all parts of it that match query.
    choices: [
      {text: 'John Smith', value: 'jsmith', age: 31, employer: 'Smith Enterprises'},
      {text: 'Jane Doe', value: 'jdoe', age: 20, employer: 'National Security Agency'}
    formatChoice(query) {
      const reg = new RegExp("(" + query + ")", "i");
      return choice => (
        "<div class='mdl-grid mdl-grid--no-spacing'>" +
          "<div class='mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col'>" +
              choice.text.replace(reg, "<u>$1</u>"),
            ].join(", ") +
          "</div>" +
          "<div class='mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col'>" +
            choice.employer +
          "</div>" +
§ filterFn
A function for determining whether or not a choice matches the entered query. Accepts query as arguments and must return a function that takes choice as argument and returns a boolean. Default function case insensitive "contains" matching.
    choices: [
      {text: 'John Smith', value: 'jsmith', age: 31, employer: 'Smith Enterprises'},
      {text: 'Jane Doe', value: 'jdoe', age: 20, employer: 'National Security Agency'}
    filterFn(query) {
      const lowercase_query = query.toLowerCase();
      return choice => (
        choice.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(lowercase_query) >= 0 ||
        String(choice.age).toLowerCase().indexOf(lowercase_query) >= 0 ||
        choice.employer.toLowerCase().indexOf(lowercase_query) >= 0
    formatChoice(query) {
      const reg = new RegExp("(" + query + ")", 'i');
      return choice => (
        "<div class='mdl-grid mdl-grid--no-spacing'>" +
          "<div class='mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col'>" +
              choice.text.replace(reg, "<u>$1</u>"),
              String(choice.age).replace(reg, "<u>$1</u>")
            ].join(", ") +
          "</div>" +
          "<div class='mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col'>" +
            choice.employer.replace(reg, "<u>$1</u>") +
          "</div>" +
§ defaultSelectedValue
The value that will be selected by default in the autocomplete list.
Default: undefined
Possible values: String (the value of the choice; if not found in the choices array, it will act like null), null (will tell immybox that nothing should be selected by default).
    choices: [
      {text: 'Foo', value: 'foo'},
      {text: 'Bar', value: 'bar'}
    defaultSelectedValue: 'bar'
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